Sunday, 20 August 2017

Our lost identity to technology this days

On the internet i can be what i choose to be

I could be a name, a slang or a special number
I don't need to be seen to be heard
I can chat intimately with total strangers.
I can create a false profile and deceive others

There is no relationship
No seeng face to face,
No chatting over tea or coffee.
Just some internet chat room needed
More than a number, but a person for real

We need to become human again
Talk to people we can see
Friends we can feel
And not some chat room filled with deception
Not deception over social media

Celebrities flaunting falsehood
Deception on every side
people livid with falsehood
Mentors who are at the brink of disaster.

We need a place of respect and mutual understand
We need to be ourselves.
Not a number or a code.
Not an email account or a buzz word

But a realistic person with flesh and blood flowing through us.

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