Monday, 28 August 2017

Speaking to your mountains

Speaking to your mountains 

We as Christians are expected to speak to our situations and circumstances. Now the world may see or interprete that as madness, but the whole world does not understand the process of salvation which is to them a mystery
James 3:1-5 we have to be intentional with our words. James commands us here to be intentional with our words. The bible declares that death and life are in the power of our tongue (words)
A mountain or mountains represents something in your way hindering you from getting results or reaching your goals. These are usually a faith hinderance or some challenge.
James3. Fresh and bitter water. We can conveyors of freshness or bitterness, comfort or anger, all it takes is our words  and a voice
We can move or create mountains with our words
. Our speaking must be directed words carrying life and blessing
We should never speak decrease no matter what the situation
. Speak to the things mk11:23-24 Jesus talked to things! Here Jesus spoke to a fig tree and the disciples saw the manifestation of that word within a day of declaring. So when we declare, we should expect changes to conform to our declaration. Speak to your mountains.
Things have to obey the command of faith!
The tree heard the voice of Jesus and obeyed
We need to believe what Jesus said about us! We need to speak to our obstacles! Jesus spoke to leprosy, mountains, winds and waves,
Living by faith means we are going to speak to things
. The faith of God is a two part equation/ what we believe in our heart and what we speak with our mouths . God’s word forms our believes.
. We must also believe what we say Mark11:23 we must believe our words are as good as done when we say it!
.Speaking to have faith into our hearts! It can build faith in our hearts Romans10-17
So get speaking and see those mountains moving to the glory of God

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